WOW!! What a roller coaster of a last 24 hours we have had! It all started at lunch yesterday. Heather came home and began having some bad cramps. We didn't think much of it until she got back to work. Then things got worse!! She came home and called the baby doctor. They set her an appointment for 2 o clock today!! 24 hours of waiting, reading on the internet (which was a big mistake), and praying that she didn't lose the baby. Everything we read on the internet seemed to be pointing that way.
So I picked up Lance early from school and we met Heather at the doctor. The doctor even introduced himself and said he was sorry it was under these conditions that we were meeting. My heart sunk. Heather and I had already prepared for the worst and began to prepare Lance as well.
Then they started the ultra-sound. I knew what we were all looking and listening for...a heartbeat. I noticed that the Doctor turned the volume down so that we wouldn't know exactly what was going on. I could see in his face that he was expecting the worst too. I couldn't look up at the screen...I just sat with my head down and prayed...God, why would you let us try for 3 years...then give up...then Heather get pregnant just to take it from us. I prayed God, please let the baby be ok. Then the doctor got excited and said I see the heartbeat. He said the baby was moving all over the place it it seemed that he/she was waving at us. As if to say..."what are you guys so worried about?". Heather began crying and I was so excited i could barely sit still. I finally realized how much I want this baby.
Lance was so worried. When I was walking down the hall toward him I could see the fear on his face. Then I smiled at him and you could see the relief come over him.
What a day. Up top is a pic of our baby. It may be hard for you to make out, but we sure can!
I am so happy everything turned out ok for you guys!
me too!!! so glad that the baby is ok and you guys are too! see you in the morning! :)
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