Tuesday, February 17, 2009

yes i'm frustrated!!

Just got done reading Crazy Love for the second time in preparation for teaching a small group on the book.  All I can say again is...WOW!!  I have made a serious re-commitment to putting away the "American Christian Dream" and pursuing God like he intends.  How is that...by living in a way that show i believe in God and in a way that God has to come through.  We as American Christians love to talk about things like, "i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me", but we live like " i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, but if he doesn't i always have my pension and savings to bail Him out".  Or our churches live in a way that always has a backup plan if God doesn't come through.  How can God not come through?  How have i been blinded to live this way for so long?  How can I not be completely dependent on Him and live in total abandon for Him?  How can I put my personal safety (and that of my family) above His plan?  We in America have turned church into a spectator sport and if we feel a little convicted during a sermon we think that we have done what God wanted.  No Action!  No Commitment!  When it comes to serving God, we say things like, "I'm waiting for Gods will".  But i bet you didn't see if it was Gods will before you turned on the TV last night?  Or did God inspire you to go to Starbucks today or did you just act on the desire?  

What if the church asked you to participate in a homeless feeding ministry?  Would your answer be that you needed to pray about it?  Did you get up and work out this morning?  Did you pray about it first?  Did you eat lunch?  Are you sure that was Gods will, or did you do it because it was time to eat.  There is nothing wrong with Starbucks (i go there everyday), eating lunch and working out...what is wrong is when we do all those recreational things without Godly inspiration, but won't move a finger for God unless he moves heaven and earth and gives us a heavenly sign!  Here's your sign...it's called the BIBLE!! 

yes you can sense my frustration...but it is with myself as well as most of the American church.  Oh to be part of a church who gets it. Who's leadership gets it.  Whose people get it.

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