Saturday, February 14, 2009

can't sleep

so...sitting here at 1:24 am on a saturday night.  I have to lead worship tomorrow and was hoping for a good nights sleep before but that is just not in the cards it does not seem.  I have been re-reading and studying "Crazy Love" to get ready for the small group I am going to begin teaching next month and just like it did the first time i read has me all messed up!  All of my goals, all of what I am living for just seems so insignificant compared to the life that God intends for us to lead in community with each other.  I don't want to get into specifics here, due to ruining the group lesson that i am going to be doing, but I just hope and pray for a group of people at Journey that sign up for this class that will be impacted by this book and the scripture that it drives you to as i am.  If so, look out Atlanta...Journey Church is going to impact this town for the Kingdom of Heaven....

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