Tuesday, January 27, 2009

well...heather had her appointment with the neurologist yesterday...and...the lesion on her brain is nothing to worry about.  Actually, he said it is just an age spot.  So she is just getting old.  Any other time someone told her that she might be mad, but it was music to our ears yesterday.  Thank you to all that prayed for this situation.  Now we can just focus on the bundle of joy that will be here in 8 short months!!!  

anyway, Sunday was a great day.  Besides not getting any sleep before church, our Associate Pastor Mike preached an incredible sermon on absolute truth.  it was "absolutely" great!  I came home and wrote a song based on his sermon.  We had a ton of visitors so the atmosphere was great.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Most people that will be reading this know this already, but for the rest here is what is going on...We are dealing with some serious health issues with Heather.  She had an MRI due to severe headaches and the results were not what we were hoping for.  She has an appointment with a Neurologist at the end of the month to see exactly what they found is.  So, to say the least, it has been on our minds a lot.  Then the good news...during all the tests for the head, we found out that Heather is PREGNANT!!  The funny part is we decided that if she wasn't pregnant by Dec 31 2008, that we were done trying.  Guess God had other ideas.  So to say the least, we have a lot going on right now!  But we know that God is in control and we trust His heart.  Anyway...more to come when we know more....

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Awesome article by Francis Chan on what the Church SHOULD look like.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

My heart can barely take it in,
The way You love me so.
You stretched Your arms out so wide,
And blood and water flowed.
And nothing can contain my voice,
From crying out to You.
The eagle soars, the lion roars,
They all bow down to You.
